Setting up ....
From our first live from our living room in Norwich to our temporary live streams from our lounge in East Runton we are now ready to livestream from our dedicated studio in East Runton. Here is a selection of guests we hosted during lockdown:
The Webcam sessions archive:
In our Webcam Sessions we invited local, national and international artists to perform from their living room - or anywhere they can! via webcam. With this project we were able to support artists who had been affected by the pandemic - and in our very small way keeping the live Music scene for everyone for the future.
Matt Hodges Fender Rhodes
We are so happy that our first guest spot worked out. We worked all day to sort the connection to Matt's internet - that was a challenge! - Matt lives out in the sticks in Norfolk. He was so cool about it. The sound quality was excellent and what a treat to hear such quality Rhodes playing! Thank you Matt!
Anna Mudeka
We were so happy to have the world renowned artist Anna Mudeka perform for us on our Webcam session live from her home! Thank you Anna for a wonderful performance!
Nigel Orme
Please enjoy our latest webcam session - 20 mins of engaging storytelling by the regions premier purveyor of Americana! Thank you Nigel!
Mari Joyce
Please enjoy Mari's wonderful set with us and please visit her website at
Harry Ixer Rapper
Stuck in the UK along way from his main audience in Vietnam Harry Ixer did a great live set for us - here is a 7 minute edit from Harry - Enjoy!
Sefo Kanuteh: Kora and Vocals
Please enjoy this wonderful intimate set from the incomparable Sefo Kanuteh.
Cat Westwood: Modern Dance
As part of our Dare to Dream project we featured this collaborative artwork which included visual art and this dance piece choreographed and performed by Cat Westwood - a totally solo performance during full lockdown - Cat even switched the lighting as she danced! Thank you Cat!
Chris Dowding
Check out this latest webcam session live set with Chris Dowding... all created with live loops we are in awe! - thank you Chris!